Case Study

National Poultry Producer

Premium poultry producer of turkey and chicken products for major grocery store chains.


$150 million


Food & Agribusiness

Services Provided

Turnaround & Business Restructuring, Capital Sourcing, Distressed M&A Support


Multiple defaults caused by operating losses, lack of timely financial reporting, and seasonal operating losses required ability to increase chicken production. Lender wanted borrower to obtain external financing or liquidate operations.


  • Provided client with pathway to complete their turnaround and supplemental financing through complicated restructuring process involving assets, sales and production planning, cost management and detailed data analysis.
  • Guided actions to improve cash management, improved budgeting processes and accuracy, helped Company prepare comprehensive turnaround plan including sales, cost structure improvements and improved operational reporting.
  • Facilitated $30 million refinancing with additional availability with new lender and sufficient runway to complete turnround to profitability and growth.